Sunday, 7 October 2018

A very effective way of rendering your design model is to assign a balsa wood material (or white card material) to all elements. Instead of having to engage in a time consuming process of saving a design model and reassigning materials, there is a very quick and easy process to gain the desired result.

Strangely enough it involves using Phasing, and works with every model category.

In the Phasing Dialogue box, it allows you to graphically override elements by phase.

Create a future phase after all of the previous phases. In this example I am calling it ‘Design Render’.

Because this is the newest of all the phases, and nothing is created on this phase, everything is classed as ‘Existing’.

You can now utilise the Graphic Overrides, simply assign a material Graphic Override to any existing elements, in this case ‘Balsa’.

Everything that is created in a previous phase (Existing), in the model now has the Material Balsa applied to it.

All that is required is to create a 3D view of your model and change the Phase of the view to ‘Design Render’ and it will override all materials.

Now you can render the view without having to reassign any materials.

1 comment:

  1. Scott,
    I also turn off all glass, glazing and curtain wall panels. I gives a bit more definition.


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