Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Active Workset

A simple tip that we are all guilty of from time to time!

When you are working in your workshared project, it is always very important to keep an eye on the Active Workset.

When you open your Revit Model the Active Workset can change without your knowing it. When a user changes the current Active Workset to work on his section of work, if he then Synchronizes with Central, their current Active Workset transfers into the Central file.

If they are the last user to Synchronise with the Central file, then the next time you open the Central file and re-create your Local file the Active Workset will change.

The result is, if you don’t notice, you could be putting elements on the wrong Workset……then you (or the Model Manager) need to go and change these elements back to the correct Workset!!!

So the moral of this little tale is to keep an eye on the Active Workset!!!

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Voids in Families (Part 2)

If you create a void in a family that doesn’t intersect anything, the result will be a free standing void. When you need it to eventually cut an object, you need to move it into position, overlapping with a solid object, you will notice that it doesn’t automatically cut the solid. This is where you need to use the Cut Geometry tool.

Use Cut Geometry Tool, and pick the solid and the void.

If you create a void that intersects the solid objects straight away you will see that the void automatically cuts.

(You can also refer to my previous post about creating the cutting object as a solid first then switching it to a void so that the automatic cutting isn’t activated.)