Tuesday 16 October 2018

Voids in Complex Modelling

Voids can be a very useful object in complex form modelling. If you need to create a complex structural form you can use the edges of the void as a path to help host sweeps. As the void is negative space it won’t be visible in the final model.

It is a lot easier to create paths on the edges of a void form rather than having to try and create the path as a line. This is evident when you have to distort the path in 3 directions, (It is possible to do it using an adaptive family with points and splines, but is just so much simpler to use a void).

In the example I am using an extruded blend to create my void form.

Once you have the edges looking correct, just host a sweep to the edges using the ‘Pick Path’ and your complex form is finished.

Sunday 7 October 2018

A very effective way of rendering your design model is to assign a balsa wood material (or white card material) to all elements. Instead of having to engage in a time consuming process of saving a design model and reassigning materials, there is a very quick and easy process to gain the desired result.

Tuesday 2 October 2018

Dimension Leaders

When you are using the Dimension tool in your model, sometimes the dimension text will be placed where it overlaps with the dimension line or ‘Tick’ mark. It is easy enough to move the dimension text away by selecting the blue dot at the bottom of the dimension text.

The result will leave you with a leader line back to the middle of the dimension line. If you want to remove it from the Dimension string, just look at the Options Bar and untick the ‘Leader’ tick box. This will remove it from the entire dimension string.

Unfortunately, the leader is turned on by default in all dimensions. If you want to turn it off in all the dimensions in your project you can select any dimension string and right-click, this will bring up the option to ‘Select All Instances’ > ‘In Entire Project’. Then you can turn off the leaders to all dimensions of that type.