Tuesday 27 November 2018

Cutting 3D CAD Files

When you are using 3D CAD files in your Revit models, whether it is for a topography, an existing building or a piece of furniture, one thing you might notice is that if you place a section marker that cuts the 3D CAD files it won’t show as being cut and even worse it will show the full extent of the CAD model, even if parts of it are behind the section mark.


To get the 3D CAD file showing properly in section, you have to import the 3D CAD file in an In-Place family.

Create a new In-Place Component Family selecting the Category most appropriate, and then Import the 3D CAD file. Finish the In-Place Family.

Now the section will show properly. Just remember the cut line work will now take on the style of the category.

This procedure also work by inserting the CAD file into an external component family.

Thursday 15 November 2018

Linked Site Disappearing

With all of our projects utilising shared coordinates, it means that we are linking our sites into the building models. This process can result in a little Revit anomaly in some section views, it doesn’t happen with all views or projects and can occur quite randomly.

In your section view the topography from your linked model disappears for no apparent reason, even though it is visible in the model in all other views.

If this ever occurs in your sectional view, check your ‘Far Clipping’ setting in the View Properties. If the Far Clipping is set to ‘Clip with Line’ it can make the topography in the linked file disappear (sometimes). If the ‘Far Clipping’ in the View Properties is set to ‘Clip without line’ (or ‘No Clip’) then the topography will become visible again.

Thursday 1 November 2018

Spot Elevations on Ramps

When you place spot elevations on your floor plan, if you try and place them on ramps you will notice that this isn't possible using the spot elevation tool.

It is possible to place them on elevations and section but plans it isn't possible......or is it?

A simple work around is to place the spot elevation onto a floor and then move or copy it onto the ramp and magically it will host itself to the ramp levels.